Tag Archives: MayChallenge2008

Where it belongs… PAD #1134

Where it belongs... PAD #1134

I’ve been meaning to take a shot of the motorcycle boot with an actual motorcycle for the May Challenge. This is the boot with my Dad’s Harley-Davidson sportster. I don’t ride that one because I dropped it early early on when Dad got it. He was really good about it and I didn’t break anything but I put a couple good scratches on the end of the handlebar and the pedal. As the bike started to fall I swung my leg over to the side towards the fall and caught it as it scraped the ground. Then I accidentally hit the kill switch and couldn’t get it started again because I was panicking. That happens when you drop someone else’s bike. But I haven’t been back on that one since. Maybe someday.

I could ride my friend Mike’s because he dropped his much sooner than I dropped my Dad’s, so I figure that one is already broken in.

I wrote a few recaps from the Thursday night lineup. I’m going to go watch CSI because I heard that was pretty awesome.

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