Tag Archives: National Cereal Day

National Cereal Day 2024

National Cereal Day
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01887

Today is National Cereal Day and with it came the last item in the countdown box that General Mills sent me. The item is a crunch cup. This is a combination cup that allows you to take your cereal on the road. As you sip you can also eat cereal with milk. I think cereals like Cheerios and Lucky charms would work well in this because they are small. I tried it with corn chex and that seemed to not slide out as smoothly as other cereals would. I’ll have to try this with some other ones to see which would be best.

Day 4 of The National Cereal Day Countdown

Day 4 of the National Cereal Day Countdown
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01884

General Mills sent me a very fun National Cereal Day countdown box. Today is Day four because Thursday is National Cereal Day. Yesterday the box gave me two bags of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Today was a new bowl and spoon. The spoon has #NationalCerealDay on the stem of the handle. I can put this with my BenSpark spoon and the new bowl with my Dad bowl that I received a few years ago. General Mills has been very kind to me over the years. They have also been creative in the items sent to me.