Tag Archives: peanuts

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Chex Mix

Snoopy Chex

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00331

The folks at Chex sent me a package of ingredients to make some Christmas themed Chex Mixes. Well, I had an idea to make a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Chex Mix. I used Chex as the toast and roasted it in a frying pan with butter. Then I made popcorn and pretzels. Instead of jelly beans I used Mike and Ikes.

Ticket Giveaway: Charlie Brown Christmas LIVE Coming to the Boch Center Shubert Theatre

02 A Charlie Brown Christmas Live on Stage

If you are wondering if there are any good Christmas shows to take your kids to, wonder no more. From November 29th to December 2 the Boch Center Shubert Theatre has A charlie Brown Christmas Live on Stage!! This is a new production and a fresh take on the timeless classic. As a lifelong fan of Snoopy and the Peanuts gang I am excited to see anything new that comes along. I also like when shows stay true to the heart of the series. My family will be hosted on November 30th to see the show on press night. We were also given a family 4-pack of tickets to give away on this blog for the November 30 7PM performance. You can enter through my Rafflecopter widget below.

Continue reading Ticket Giveaway: Charlie Brown Christmas LIVE Coming to the Boch Center Shubert Theatre