Tag Archives: plants

Allison’s School Garden at Home

Allisons School Garden at home
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00905

Allison has been planting plants on the side of the house. These are gifts from people from school or kids from school. She’s got a Hydrangea and a Rose bush so far. I look forward to seeing how they grow. Allison worked very hard today to plant these.

Tonight we watched the movie Luca on Disney Plus. It was a cute story and very funny. Not as high a Pixar standard as past movies but still very enjoyable. I made a video review of it.

Green Peppers are Growing

Photo-A-Day #3381

A few months ago I bought a Patio Picker and some seedlings at Lowe’s. I got two tomato plants and four pepper plants. We planted our seedlings and got them ready to go. For a while I was worried that they would not do well but then all of the plants took off. I had to put tomato cages on the tomato plants and we have seen some peppers on the pepper plants and some tomatoes as well. We’re looking forward to having these plants to eat as soon as they are ready. As long as animals don’t eat them and Andrew doesn’t go and pick them.

He’s tried.