Tag Archives: Podcasting 101

Down in Fraggle Rock

Photo-A-Day #1923

I was walking around the house and saw these two Black Eyed Susans and for some reason I immediately thought of The Trash Heap from Fraggle Rock. I’m not sure why it came to my mind but it did. The trash heap wears these funky glasses and it looks to me like the un-opened Black Eyed Susans look like the temples of her glasses. I’m thinking that we should get Fraggle Rock: Complete Series Collection (aff link) for Eva. Continue reading Down in Fraggle Rock

When you need a Linchpin

Photo-A-Day #1853

Things around work have certainly started picking up in a good way. A while back I mentioned that I would be taking on more duties as the person who did the video production. Well, the guy who had the job before me retired last week and this week I received a bunch of requests for videos aready. Next week I’ll be taking videos of some important customers. I’m also being asked to shoot more video items of our top executives. On my way to being what Seth Godin refers to as a Linchpin (Aff Link). I’m reading that book right now on my Kindle (Aff Link). Continue reading When you need a Linchpin