Tag Archives: Review Items

Wonder Time with the Kids

Photo-A-Day #2698

First day after a work weekend in a while when I actually got to sleep before facing the day. I got up and played with the kids so that Allison could get a little sleep because Andrew had no desire to sleep in his own bed last night. I have no idea how people actually do co-sleeping with little crazy strong whirling dervishes that stretch out 3 times their regular size. So Eva and I worked on a review product that I got in the mail called WonderMind Kids. This is an educational program tailored to kids Eva’s age. They even have programs starting for kids as young as 1 year old. I’ll do a full write up of the program soon. Part of the program is a toy that helps Eva learn to tell time. She loves that thing already. Wanted to take it shopping with us. Continue reading Wonder Time with the Kids