Tag Archives: Rondi

Game Night…

Today after shoveling away much of the freak snow from the freak snow storm Allison and I went to the Holiday Inn in Mansfield to look at their wedding package opportunities. It is a nice place and we shall see about possibly getting it for our reception. Sticker Shock hasn’t quite worn off when I began to work out how much this thing is gonna cost. Yep, still shocked. Continue reading Game Night…

Don White at the Bull Run

Last night Allison and I went to the Bull Run in Shirley MA to see Don White and The Loomers perform. We were joined by Allison’s parent’s Marcia and Dan. We were also joined by my high school buddy Neil and his wife Andrea, whom you may recall were the folks who introduced me to French Do… Er, I mean, Onion Soup. And we were also joined by my former High School Spanish class presentation partner and football teammate Andy and his girlfriend Rhondi. Continue reading Don White at the Bull Run