Tag Archives: spicy

It’s a Major Award

Photo-A-Day #1941

Today was the Allison’s Family Reunion. It was a gathering of her grandparents, their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. We’ve been having these sort of events at Aunt Jan’s house for the past few years and they are a lot of fun. This year was one of the best in my opinion. This year we got together and had a Steak Tip Recipe Competition. See, we can’t just get together to get together, there is always an element of game play or competition involved. I like that. Continue reading It’s a Major Award

A little spice

I have just signed up for SpicyPage. Have you heard of it? Well it is a site that is similar to Digg in that people go to the page and vote on how spicy your page is. Spicy in this case meaning hot and interesting. So I signed up for both this site and The BenSpark. The Benspark already has 7 votes for spiciness. I am thrilled. If you want to vote on whether you think this site is spicy or not you can do so at the bottom left side of this site. You just click the vote button. But you have to be a member of SpicyPage to do so. Sign up, it is free.