Tag Archives: stir crazy

Getting Stir Crazy

Photo-A-Day #2344

All the rain lately has gotten me a little stir crazy. We have used the time to be productive though. We finally cleared the dining room of boxes and we set up the dining room table. Tonight we had our first meal in our dining room so that was enjoyable.

Allison made a huge batch of sauce and meatballs. She froze a bunch of servings so that we’ve have some stuff on hand for when the baby arrives and we are too tired and bleary eyed to do anything more than heat up a meal.

We’re getting prepared for that little one to come along too. Eva’s signed up for a sibling class and we’ve got to get the nursery in order but we will. Soon.

A friend of mine posed the question on Facebook, Who turned off Summer. Well, I did, I put my kayak on my car on Monday and it has rained every day since. I fully intended to get out on the water and go fishing on Tuesday, and then on Wednesday and then Today, but no deal. I’m hoping that maybe the sun will be up tomorrow. I hope so.