Tag Archives: Toycon

An All-New Nintendo Labo Set Arrives September 14th – Vehicle Kit

Nintnedo Labo Vehicle Kit

When Nintendo created their LAB Toycon sets they looked really interesting. However, I wasn’t that excited about the variety set. The games looked like fun but didn’t jump right out at me. However, I was excited about the Labo Robot Kit. That is really cool! I was completely blown away when I learned about the Labo Vehicle Kit! With this kit you can play as a truck, a plane or a submarine! The toys that you can create with this set are pretty cool, a steering wheel and gas pedal for driving. A joystick for flying and for piloting the submarine there is a device that allows you to control two thrusters on either side of the submarine independent of each other. You can read the full release all about the new Toycon 3 Vehicle Kit for Nintendo Labo. I have also added affiliate links to kits on Amazon so you can pre-order them. Continue reading An All-New Nintendo Labo Set Arrives September 14th – Vehicle Kit