Tag Archives: Water

Outside and walking

Outside and walking
Photo-A-Day #1490

I just watched the trailer for the Revenge of the Fallen Video Game -I liked the Transformers Game from the 1st movie but probably would have liked it more on a gaming system other than the Wii. I just watched the Revenge of the Fallen video game trailer and it looks amazing. I really want this one too even if it is on the Wii, or maybe my friend Mike will get it for the PS3.

Worked from home today, got some things done.

After work took Eva for a walk around the neighborhood. We went by “Water” twice. The water is a little stream that flows for quite a ways through the town. I’m not sure with where it originated and where it ends but I know it goes through backyards all along the length of part of our walk.

Lord Vader

Lord Vader
Photo-A-Day #1321

Today after work I was leaving and saw that the fountain had green lights on. I went over to take some low light shots and as I was taking them from a standing position I just had too much camera shake. So I knelt down and put my camera on the side of the fountain to steady it and see what sort of image I could get. I saw what I think looks sort of like a Darth Vader Helmet. This photo is probably not worthy to be part of the 2009 Photo-A-Day Calendar but it is a fun one none the less.