Trip to Nashville?

Forest Giants in Bernheim Forest
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00170

Today was our trip to Nashville. Now, we knew where we were actually going to end up and the kids did not. You see, my sister and her husband invited us to stay with them for a week in Kentucky and Nashville was the closest airport that had a direct flight for us. We told the kids a couple of weeks ago that I had gotten a blogger trip to Nashville. However, when we landed we were met by my sister right outside the gates. At first they were wondering what she was doing there since I said that we would not be seeing her this trip. It took Eva a couple of moments to realize what was happening and she was so excited. Andrew, though, wasn’t as excited. He was upset. He began to cry because he had told his friends that he was going to Nashville and now, I think, he may have felt like he was lying to them. He got over things quickly enough when we told him that we would spend at least one day in Nashville.

We piled into the van that we would affectionately refer to as “The Corn-mobile” for our entire trip. This was a minivan that ran on E85. That is not easy to come by and so we were always on the lookout for more E85.

Along our trip to Tara’s house which was 2 hours away, we stopped at the Bernheim Forest to go searching for Forest Giants. These were giant wooden giants created by artist Thomas Dambo. I had recently heard about him and his project of giant wooden trolls. I guess the installation of these giants was something quite new and was a big draw for people visiting the Bernheim Forest. There are four giants and the round trip to see them all is 2 miles. The kids were troopers to walk through the heat to see them all, but they were worth it. You can see more on our video below.

For dinner we went to a BBQ joint called Feast. We had an excellent meal and went to bed with very full bellies and food left over to bring home. This would become breakfast for the next few days for me and Eva. We’re the only ones up for breakfast BBQ.