Wheeljack and the Kick

Photo-A-Day #2944

It was a very busy day today and so when it came down to taking my daily photo I looked for something I hadn’t tried yet. I have my new Kick and I played around with different lighting shades and intensities. I took Wheeljack and shined the light on him from above so as to black out everything else around it. I like how it came out but there seems to be lines on the image. Not all my images had the lines on them but this one had the look I wanted.

As far as a busy day it started with my Dad picking me up to get my car from the mechanic’s. I screwed up and forgot my spare key so we ended up losing time getting to what we needed to be doing which was to trim the bushes between my house and the neighbor’s house. We did get to that later in the morning and took care of taking off three to four feet of bushes from the top of our very, very overgrown bushes. They were so bad that in the winder they bent right over onto the neighbor’s cars. But not to worry my neighbor took his hacksaw to them. Yep, that was great to hear.

We did get the bushes trimmed up (thanks mostly to my dad, I hauled everything away, he cut) and hopefully they will thicken up more over time and they can be trimmed with a hedge trimmer and not hacksaws.